The development of ideas of our dream gardens has many threads to it. Last week's activity saw the group drawing and painting onto primed wooden rounds. This was so popular with some members of the group, that they chose to continue with it into this week.
In our first session we had added elements of a landscape to a small roll of paper, sticking them onto a white background so they are 'before' and 'after' life-the-flap landscapes e.g. a river flowing right across the scene, perhaps one that only flows in the winter, a Winterbourne, and lift the river so it disappears for dryer seasons.
We explored the Growing Space gardens, saw the development of the pond and a handmade gate, complete with bullrushes and vintage fork made in the workshop.
Back in the art group studio we began creating the texture for a large roll of heavy cartridge paper using oil pastels. We choose to use white which added the element of surprise to the watercolour wash stage.
While busy making, talking, and while the watercolour flicked across the landscape by an adventurous participant was drying, we were delighted to welcome PEAK's Justine Wheatley, Louise Hobson, and Melissa Appleton into the space to see what we've been creating at the Growing Space Art group.