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Framework Herefordshire exhibitions

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Each year Framework Herefordshire hold exhibitions, talks and workshops.  At least one exhibition each year is at the Apple Store Gallery in Hereford.

Images above are from 2018 and 2019 shows with Framework members and friends work.  It is wonderful to have a base for Framework at The Apple Store Gallery, there are always others artists around in the studios upstairs.

Artists, creatives and art lovers come from miles around to gather and enjoy the delights in the gallery. 

Framework members have the opportunity to be involved in all aspects of creating exhibitions, from coming up with themes, doing publicity, the practical side of setting up the exhibition. repainting walls and plinths, to writing for press releases and opening the show.

A wonderful way to show some of the creativity that goes on in this beautiful area of the UK.

Framework Herefordshire on Facebook

The Apple Store Gallery

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